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Why Write Haiku?

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Why write haiku? As a literary form, the haiku is spare with 5, 7, 5 syllables in 3 lines. Concise, explicit, and beautiful words represent the condensed thought behind each poem. Crafting haikus promotes awareness, increases vocabulary, and livens imagination. As Chekhov says, ” . . .  the precious and the best words . . .” create literary art. Enjoy haiku on www.twitter.com (twaiku). Write your own. Write.

Reading at Cedarville Public Library

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

Please join me for an afternoon of poetry reading Saturday, April 17, at the Cedarville Public Library.  Ed Davis, Cathy Essinger, Julie Moore, and I will be reading from our respective poetry books in celebration of Poetry Month.  For more information about this collective of poets and their work, stop by www.davised.com.